Events - Month View
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Monthly meeting of the Board of the League of Women Voters Los Altos Mountain View. For meeting information contact the president at
Our Housing Committee works locally in Mountain View, Los Altos, and Los Altos Hills to promote more affordable units and other city development policies that increase housing. Contact for the Zoom link.
Our regular meeting is the second Monday of the month, but this month‘s meeting is the third due to effects of Labor Day. Our speaker this month will be a representative from SV@Home, regarding the background of RM4‘s removal.
Voter Services does outreach activities to register and educate voters at High Schools, Foothill College, Naturalization Ceremonies and other community events. We also organize non-partisan candidate forums and Pros & Cons progrms on ballot measures during election years.
We are reading The Death of Truth by Steven Brill.
Our Book Group reads books that enlighten us about important issues facing our country today. Our bi-monthly meetings allow us to add our own experiences and ideas to the discussion. Join us!
Sue Graham